Green Economy and Local Development
High-quality activated bamboo charcoal technology innovation
The new direction of development of Bamboo Charcoal technology. By innova-tive technology, we will bring that thinking of Sustainable technology to students. We will establish a link to local relative industries, for upgrading bamboo charcoal indus-try which called black diamond or black gold, and raising output value.
We will import micron technology to make sure that we can use the High active-tion and Organic of Bamboo Charcoal in technology.
The special-purpose bamboo
The special-purpose bamboo charcoal furnace can be used for various purposes according to the adjustment of firing time and temperature.
E-commerce platform - bamboo robot
Establish a virtual display platform and interface for the network, set up intelligent robots on the spot, connect the Internet of Things in an interactive way, and interactively promote the green environmental protection concept of bamboo products, and then marketing , revitalizing the industrial market and promoting the industrial ecosystem alliance, solve the issues such as marketing path, information closure and industrial aging, to create the possibility of a sustain-nable bamboo industry.
Best-selling bamboo goods e-commerce
Non-carbon-saving (carbon free) products are on time. Bamboo has the characteristics of rapid growth, strong adaptability and good recycling. It is the best industry for sustainable development of circular economy.
This development focuses on the economics of the earth that loves the earth, and combines the promotion of high-tech imagery education to develop an e-commerce service
The Imagination and Realization of Bamboo Culture Experiencing Space
With on-site student program, this subproject aims to investigate the local culture of Chiayi to discover new uses and values for traditional “Bamboo Cultural Creation;” and to contextualize the area’s rich tangible, intangible assets, transforming them into resources for deep tourism to solve the problems of marginalization, industrial hollowing-out and fragmentation.
In addition, it offers counseling and support to brick and mortar stores. By working on various relevant aspects such as bamboo image and culture, product packaging, and brand story, the subproject assists local stores in the creation of economic value added (EVA) for bamboo industry and the promotion of tourism in order to achieve the goal of upgrading cultural and creative industries.

The Application of Circular Agriculture: Putting a Stop to Subsidence-The Benefits of Bamboo Charcoal Water Filtration
This project is based on the mature technology of manufacturing bamboo charcoal and bamboo vinegar that combine industrial nanotechnology and biological technology to make biological agents, soil conditioner and environment-friendly green materials. Bamboo products should expend opportunities of cooperation with other industries. Promotion in aquaculture: bamboo products can be used as circulating water purification equipment, medium for microor-ganism, recycled fodder and etc. Above application can filter pollution sources and harmful viruses. The aquaculture industry is a major industry in the Chiayi coast area however the most aquaculture industry still pumping ground water as aquaculture source of water. Whole Taiwan draws 300000 tons of groundwater every year thence groundwater overdraft cause serious subsidence if use test scale purification efficiency 80 percent of bamboo charcoal water purifier can significantly reduce groundwater withdrawal.
You hold me, I take you, go hand to pull the small hand
Water saving begins with changing everyone’s water use habit. We hope use scientific experiment teaching aid let everyone know how to use bamboo charcoal purified water by scientific experiment. To strengthen the concept of water source reuse, achieving to circulating purity water in the future. In order to promote scientific experiment we teaching and demonstrating scientific experiment for elementary students in Meibei elementary school.
December 22, 2017 Prof. Wang
demonstrated experiment teaching
aid, in Mei-Bei elementary school.
Alliance of Golden Dark from Bamboo
The industrial-academia alliance of Light and Heat from Bamboo had been established since June-28, 2018, which consisted of up to 34 companies had joined the project. The alliance implements its social responsibility through devoting their efforts upon the bamboo industry chain. Through harvesting bamboo from forest, manufacturing products related to bamboo, and marketing for bamboo’s cultural and creative industry. The alliance actively gives guidance to traditional bamboo industries, upgrading and promoting their effectiveness of the industry. In addition, the alliance constructs a platform where universities and social groups can join together to solve the inherent problems of local bamboo industry through cooperation in Taiwan and create value of this industry. The alliance periodically releases industrial information related to bamboo industry, providing chances(opportunities) for local bamboo industries to promote their products, applying for related government projects, diagnose and consult the problems, and assist and resolve technical bottleneck of the industry; with the platform, the industry, university and institution can communicate and share their experiences in diverse cases, keep in track with the new trends of bamboo industry in order to make innovation performance.
R&D and integrate the core techniques, expand their business and create commercial opportunities in order to activate the bamboo economic.

"Environmental Humanities" is concerned with the sustainability development of ecological environment and natural resources. Science and humanistic sociology have built a cross-disciplinary bridge. This project aims to train interdisciplinary talents through R&D research that Counseling in the transformation and upgrading of the bamboo industry,. As the main axis of USR and advancing local industries, the development includes new agriculture, green industry, circular economy, environmental protection and carbon reduction, cultural revitalization, ethnic ecological landscape, commodity creative marketing and other multi-faceted. Through the cultural Production of bamboo industry, the use of bamboo charcoal technology, innovation services and industry-academic alliances, innovation and entrepreneurship, etc., actively constructing the innovation and development of the bamboo industry, and then using teaching research, talent cultivation, internationalization as a promotion. Combining with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this project will create a space for Taiwan's bamboo industry's soft power to be integrated with international academic and industries, and complete the creation of new industries to achieve new production value. In the industrial connection, through industry-university cooperative, curriculum, R&D teaching aids, leading students to participate in the transformation of the real estate industry and entrepreneurship training, to activate the university teaching field. Establish and integrate the resources of local bamboo farmers, product processing and market services. Strengthening the organic connection with local community will develope products combine with local and international characteristics, expand production value and offer internship opportunities to students. It will promote the combination of different professions, and cultivate local talents with cross-domain capabilities and local connections. We will lead students to realize and agree the goal of local industries technological development and resource transformation.